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Lydia Austere

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Lydia Austere Empty Lydia Austere

Post by Admin Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:49 am


Lydia Austere





Aloof, Usually quiet, Mysterious, Sometimes mischievous, Confident, Won't take shit from anyone

Nature, Animals, Quiet, Observing others

Senseless drama, Noisiness, Cocky people, People who try to order her around

Lydia was born many years ago, in a time where people feared witches and demons and other such creatures who belong to Satan. She had a twin brother named Alexander who she was very close to. Her mother died shortly after she and her brother were born. Her father remarried and had a third child named Lynette. Her brother had special powers. He could hear and see voices and visions that told him things and often warned him. Lydia was the only one who knew about her brother's powers. One day, she had a gentleman caller. He was a handsome man, with black hair and eyes who wore expensive looking clothes. When she confronted him, he simply handed her a black rose. One of the thorns caught her hand, drawing blood, and the man turned and left. Her brother pulled her aside later and talked to her about the encounter, warning her that there were dark creatures in this world that had signed the devil's book. He was worried for her, especially since she couldn't seem to put down the rose, even after it had drawn blood from her. She wasn't sure if she believed in demons and devils and her "immortal soul," but she forced herself to put down the rose, for Alexander's sake. The next day, her brother avoided her, seeming to be in daze as if he were seeing and hearing things no one else could. Later that day, he approached her and told her there were creatures in this world besides humans, but not the kind the church warned them about. He said there were creatures out there that would damn you out of spite. When she asked him what was going on, he simply said he'd made a mistake. That night, Lydia heard footsteps going past her door. She snuck out of her room, only to see her brother going out the back door. She followed him, hesitating by the doorway when she heard voices outside. She peeked outside and saw the man from before, and with him a woman who also had black hair and eyes. Based on her appearance, her first thought was "witch." She heard her brother telling the two to stay away from his family, that he would not let them "change Lydia." The woman said he should have thought about that before he interrupted her hunt. As it turns out, this female had tried to feed on their other sister, Lynette, and Alexander had managed to stop her. Now, she was here to turn Lydia out of spite. That was when the woman told Lydia to come outside. She was startled, not realizing she had been noticed, but she went outside anyway. She faced the woman and demanded to know who she was and why she was threatening her brother. The woman warned Lydia not to speak to her that way, but she didn't care. She ordered the woman to leave their property and leave her brother alone. The woman asked if her brother truly meant so much to her, and without hesitation she said yes. "That's unfortunate," the woman replied, "we'll have to deal with this distraction." Lydia turned to see the man pull out a knife and head towards her brother. The woman forced Lydia to look into her eyes, so she couldn't see what happened. In her shock, it took her a moment to process what had happened. Her brother was much too quiet, and she began to panic. The woman then grabbed her and bit into her neck. The feeling was euphoric, but she fought anyway. She fought for her immortal soul, she fought for her brother, but it was futile. She awoke later in a pitch black room, feeling warm liquid flowing past her lips. When she realized what was happening, she pushed the woman's wrist away, even though everything in her body screamed at her for doing so. The woman was determined, but so was Lydia. Finally, the woman gave up and left, leaving Lydia completely alone. The transformation was painful, and she struggled to die, not wanting to survive because she knew what that would mean. Despite her efforts, she survived. At first, she couldn't remember her previous life, but her memory slowly returned. She hated all vampires for what they had done. She even hated herself. Eventually, she grew strong enough to kill the woman who had transformed her and the man who had stabbed her brother. After living this life for so long and finally being able to exact her revenge, she gradually learned to accept her fate. She still doesn't like to associate with her own kind very often, feeling that most of them are too full of themselves. She's been alone for most of her unlife, but sometimes someone will catch her attention, but she never gets too attached.

To this day, she's still not completely sure if her brother actually died that night, and the thought still haunts her.



Posts : 324
Join date : 2013-04-15

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